
Create your own gallery
with one drag & drop


JustResizeIt!+ creates simple static HTML galleries.
Static HTML galleries don't need a web server.

You can:

  • Put your private images on your cloud space
  • Show them from your mobile phone
  • Publish them on your own web space
  • Send the entire gallery

JRI_gal-3d_200.pngNEW: Gallery for 3DWiggle images

JustResizeIt!+ supports resizing of 3D images composed with 3DWiggle and creates HTML wiggling galleries.


(With 3DWiggle you can create real 3D images with any normal digital camera and watch them on any normal device including tablets and smartphones. Learn more on http://www.3dwiggle.com/)

NEW: Faster resize in free version

The JustResizeIt! free version receives the faster resize engine from the JustResizeIt+ paid version. Older version will update automatically.




Simplifying the distribution of pictures to one simple drag & drop lifts the barriers of private sharing.


See: Features & Use cases 






JustResizeIt! mobile lets you resize and share your pictures with all your friends and family with only a few taps.


See: Features




Enjoy a brand new way to resize images

  1. Drag and drop one or more images into JustResizeIt!
  2. let it resize, and
  3. drag and drop the resized images into an e-mail, office document or a folder
Resize with Drag and Drop - How it works

Carry all your images

Gallery on smartphone

Enjoy all your photos on your mobile phone and tablet!

See how

Have your gallery online

Online gallery

Love maintaining your own personal online gallery!

See how

Send by email

Icon send by mail

Share the best moments instantly with your friends and family!

See how

„Don't think. Shoot"

This motto from a Sony's advertisement campaign explains pretty well the digital photography revolution.

You end up with thousands of pictures. And because marketing pushed up the number of pixels, you have gigabytes of precious moments of life. That's fine on a PC. Space is cheap on hard drives and you have great tools to organize and enjoy your collections.

But you also want also to enjoy your remembrances elsewhere and to share them. Space is expensive on tablets and mobile phones. Download speed is in many places too slow for gigabytes.

That's why we created JustResizeIt!


On some download sites, JustResizeIt! (free) is listed as JustResizeIt free and JustResizeIt!+ is listed as JustResizeIt plus due to product name symbol restrictions.

Icon arrow down


Desktop version


US$ 9.90

(~ € 9.45 / CHF 8.98)

Mobile version on Google Play 


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Latest news

JustResizeIt!+ 2.0 launched

By adding sending capabilities, pictures are automatically resized and sent to a group of email addresses or uploaded to an online gallery controlled by the user. Private sharing of pictures is simplified to a single drag & drop.

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Please send your comments and feature requests to 

Branded version

Create your branded version of JustResizeIt! and have your advertisment on thousands of desktops - for free!
Learn more.


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